What To Do If You Put The Wrong Fuel In Your Car?

Fuelling your car is a routine task that many of us perform without a second thought. However, one small mistake at the pump can lead to a major headache which is filling your vehicle with the wrong type of fuel. Whether it's diesel in a petrol engine or petrol in a diesel engine, the consequences can be both inconvenient and costly. This common error can occur in the rush of daily life or unfamiliarity with a borrowed or rental car. Understanding the immediate steps to take and the potential impact on your vehicle is crucial for minimizing damage and expense. This guide will explore what happens when the wrong fuel is used, the symptoms to watch for, and the best actions to take if you find yourself in this predicament.


Problems of Filling the Wrong Fuel in Your Car

Putting the wrong fuel in your car can be a serious issue. While it is not common to fill a petrol car with diesel due to the different nozzle size, it is easy to misfuel a diesel vehicle. When the wrong fuel enters your tank, it can disrupt the engine's functioning, especially in diesel vehicles where the fuel plays a crucial role in lubricating the internal components. If petrol enters a diesel engine, it can cause significant damage that could be expensive to repair and may even prevent your car from starting. Read further to know the symptoms and solution.

Symptoms of Putting Wrong Fuel in Your Car

Using the wrong fuel for your car can be a frustrating mistake, but identifying the symptoms early can help you repair the problem before it causes major damage. Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

If you notice any of these symptoms after filling up your tank, take your car to a professional mechanic as soon as possible to avoid expensive damages.

What Happens When You Put Petrol in a Diesel Car?

Putting petrol in a diesel car may appear to be a simple error, but it can cause major engine problems. Let us break it down further; Diesel and petrol are like two distinct languages when it comes to vehicles. They have distinct chemical makeup; thus, they burn differently in the engine. Diesel engines rely on high compression to ignite the fuel, whereas petrol engines need spark plugs.

Here's what happens:
Here is the solution:

What Happens If You Put Diesel in a Petrol Car?

Putting diesel in a petrol engine can also lead to some problems, as both engines work differently. And below are a few problems and solutions you might need to know when you pump diesel in a petrol car.

Here's what may happen:
Here is the solution:

Whether you fill up petrol into a diesel car or diesel in a petrol car, the solution is the same.

Will Wrong Fuel in the Car Damage the Engine?

Wrong fuel can damage your car's engine if you start it with the wrong type. Diesel and petrol engines work differently, and using the wrong fuel can cause friction instead of lubrication, leading to considerable damage. It's crucial to fix this issue immediately to avoid damage to your engine.

What to do If You Start Your Engine After Misfuelling?

If you start the engine after pumping petrol in a diesel engine or diesel in a petrol engine, below are a few steps you must follow

How to Prevent Misfuelling?

Preventing misfuelling will start with being more attentive when fuelling your car. Below are a few effective tips to help you avoid putting the wrong fuel in your car:

FAQs on Pumping Wrong Fuel in Car

1. How much petrol is ok in a diesel car?

Adding even a small amount of petrol to a diesel vehicle could cause damage. It's preferable to avoid combining fuels altogether.

2. What happens if I put the wrong fuel in a car?

Putting the wrong fuel in the car will harm the engine and result in pricey repairs. It is critical to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

3. How long does it take to drain wrong fuel?

The time it takes to drain the improper fuel from your automobile varies based on the amount of fuel used and the kind of vehicle. Typically, it might take anything from 30 minutes to several hours.

4. How long can I drive with petrol in a diesel car?

Driving with petrol in a diesel vehicle can result in catastrophic damage, so stop driving as soon as you realise your error and get the fuel system emptied.

5. How do I know if I have put the wrong fuel in my car?

If you mistakenly put the wrong fuel in your car, you may have symptoms such as engine misfiring, loss of power, or weird sounds. If you believe this has happened, you should stop driving immediately.

6. Will 5 litres of petrol damage a diesel engine?

Even a small amount of fuel can ruin a diesel engine. In case you have added the wrong fuel, then you must empty the fuel system emptied and get examined to see if any issues are present.

7. Is putting the wrong fuel in a car covered by insurance?

Whether or not putting the wrong fuel in your car is covered by insurance is determined by your coverage. Some insurance companies provide compensation for this sort of error, but it is critical to review your policy terms.

8. How to avoid making the same mistake again?

To prevent putting the wrong fuel in your car in the future, double-check the pump before fuelling up, pay attention to the fuel nozzle, and get familiar with the type of fuel your vehicle requires. Taking these steps can help to avoid costly blunders.


Filling your car with the wrong fuel can lead to significant inconvenience and expensive repairs, but knowing the steps to take can mitigate the damage. Whether you have put petrol in a diesel engine or vice versa, acting quickly and following the outlined solutions can save your vehicle from severe damage. Preventative measures such as staying focused at the pump and familiarizing yourself with your car's fuel requirements can help avoid this common mistake.

Remember, if you do find yourself in this predicament, contacting your roadside assistance or a professional mechanic is crucial. Additionally, having a comprehensive car warranty from Warranty Direct can provide peace of mind, covering unexpected repairs and helping you get back on the road swiftly and safely.

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